Full Snow Moon Vibrations February 2025

Full Moon Vibrations & Contemplations

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus.

One of the many truths I have come to live in harmony with is that the only that is constant in life is change. And this full moon is definitely about stirring our souls to change in alignment with our true nature and way of being.

Change is Constant

We cannot deny the change happening all around us. With that change, many are feeling the push of evolution to experience life differently and relinquish things that are out of alignment with who we are as evolving spirits. Many of us are finding this push to step up and into our power palpable. We feel the nudge to trust the yearnings of our soul to make the necessary changes to live a life more aligned. Under this full moon, we have the support needed to heed the small inner voice and trust what we already know is the right path for us and to push through to the change we desire for our lives.


Flow With the Energy

This month’s full moon energy is really upsetting the apple cart, so we have no choice but to evaluate those areas in our lives that need change. Now is the time to trust our intuition and make the decisions that might be difficult but necessary. These decisions could be as simple as consuming less television or as daring as starting a new venture.



There’s a lot of discussion about sustainability these days, especially since our planet reached its hottest temperature on record last year. But I feel that this full moon energy presents the opportunity for us to examine our lives and see if there are areas that cannot be sustained from an energetic or planetary viewpoint. If we open our hearts to what our inner and outer worlds are showing us for guidance, then we will be provided with the clarity needed to make the necessary shifts to live more harmoniously with our true nature.


Personal Healing

We can’t really talk about growth and change without discussing healing. You may find in your discovery some areas in your life that you have not tended to. What is presenting itself right now that needs to be soothed or healed? What healing balm can you create to facilitate your own inner healing? What tools do you need?

When I work with clients individually, I often invite them to view whatever needs healing or tending in their lives without judgment but with a heart of compassion. I like to leave them with this thought.

Imagine a baby that is uncomfortable and crying. You don’t scrutinize, judge, or ridicule the baby for being upset. Instead, you curiously look for solutions to settle the baby and make them more comfortable.


Be Kind to Yourself

Now, I leave you with the same thought. With all the life changes needed that may or may not be evident. We may feel all the energetic ups and downs or the unrest. For all the work that must continue for our evolution and growth, we mustn’t forget to be gentle and kind to ourselves. Let’s meet our moment with curiosity, exploration, and wonder. We can harness the power of this illuminated full moon in Leo to support our journey in living a life more aligned with our true nature.


“The awakened life is not an altered state. It is a state of integrity, in which our inner and outer worlds are one.” – Vimala Thakar.

Full Moon Blessings Family.


Community Sound Journey

Do you want to experience the energy of the full moon on a deeper cellular level? Join us for our community sound journey, which takes place in an intimate community setting each month on or around the full moon.